Nasolabial Folds Fillers Dubai

Nasolabial Folds treatment & Diagnosis

Nasolabial folds, commonly known as “smile or laugh lines” are the deep lines or the indented skin between the corner of the nose and corner of the mouth.

The cause of nasolabial folds includes:

With age and excessive exposure to sunlight, the loss of skin elasticity and firmness is related to the breakdown of collagen (protein responsible for skin tightness). This causes the skin to become loose, appear saggy, and to form folds.

The treatment options for nasolabial folds include


Injectable fillers, also known as soft tissue fillers, are products that are injected into specific areas of the face to correct any textural irregularities by plumping and smoothing out the skin depression. Injectable fillers work by restoring facial volume and filling out wrinkled or uneven areas of the face, thereby bringing an immediate vibrant and youthful appearance to one’s face without surgery.

With aging, the skin becomes more susceptible to wrinkles and sagging. The injectable fillers do not stop the aging process but restore the age related volume loss in the face providing a significant facial rejuvenation.

Injectable fillers are used to correct cosmetic concerns including smoothing wrinkles, lines and folds.

There are several types of injectable fillers available to treat nasolabial folds based on the patient’s requirement. Injectable filters are either temporary or permanent.

Temporary – are made up of absorbable materials (those are absorbed by the body over time). These include:

Permanent (made up of non-absorbable materials)

The Procedure

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and involves the following steps:

The best filler for treatment is selected based on your age, condition of your skin, amount of sun damage and genetics.

Risks and complications

Though injectable fillers are very safe to use, Hyaluronic acid fillers as associated with lowest incidence of any risks or complications as compared with hydroxyl
Injectable fillers that contain materials from non-human sources require a pre-treatment allergy test.


Treatment Outcome

Mid-Face lift Surgery

Mid-face lift is a surgical procedure that tightens and removes drooping facial skin. This surgical tightening of the facial muscles improves the tone of the skin. These procedures also may involve the removal and repositioning of excessive fat present beneath the skin.

Mid-Face lifts are more commonly performed in the age group between 40-65 years, but people who are younger or older may opt for this surgery as well.

Purpose of mid-face lift surgery

The objective of face lift surgery is as follows:

Mid-Face lift surgery does not involve the alteration of the bone structure of the face.


Face lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The type of mid-face lift surgery depends upon the age, type of skin (dry, thick etc.), condition and requirement of the individual person. It is quite often performed through the lower lid thereby avoiding any visible scar in order to achieve excellent cosmetic outcomes.

Post-operative care

The basic post-operative instructions following mid-face lift surgery include:

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    All Days*   10.00 AM – 7.00 PM
    Friday*       9.00 AM – 2.00 PM

    Sunday*     10.30 AM – 3.30 PM

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